Thursday, February 27, 2014

A Mother's Love...

Most of my life I knew I wanted children.  I've always wanted a family of my own and would wonder how many kids I would have, or what they would look like, but I could never be prepared for all the worrying that comes along with being a mom.  Not that I don't think that dad's have an impact on your life, because they do - but I feel like moms are the ones who mostly shape their kids into the who they will become.

After the kids go to bed I often find myself reflecting on the day.  It's usually a chaotic day with two kids that are two years apart with very little to no breaks (E doesn't nap), sibling fights, more messes than I can dream of, but also filled with the sweetest kids who look up to me as their mom - their superhero who can fix all boo-boo's and toys, give them snacks, snuggle when their cold or tired, change their clothes and diapers when they're dirty, ect.  It can be exhausting, and I worry if I'm handling it all right.  I worry if I was patient, or not patient enough -- did I discipline correctly or was I too harsh/lenient -- did I challenge and teach them anything-- did I do enough with them -- did I spend enough time with them or was I more concerned with cleaning, and my iPad/iPhone -- did I snuggle enough and show them how much I loved them?  It's crazy the amounts of fears and worries that come into your mind once you're a mom, and these just scratch the surface!  Even with all of the worries and emotional roller coaster that being a parent can be, I wouldn't change a thing!

Do any of you have the same fears?  How do you handle it all?

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Pink and Fabulous said...

I definitely worry about a lot of the same things. It's a constant stream of trying to get everything done and the being concerned they didn't get enough love and attention or that I was too short with them, etc. It looks like you're doing a great job with them judging by the smiles on their happy faces :)

Elise @ Her Heart and Home said...

:) I so cannot wait to be a mommy one day!!! Thanks for sharing your heart! xx

Katie Elizabeth said...

Oh gosh, I worry a lot now so I'm scared for my future self! Sounds like the best job in the world though :)

Amanda Elizabeth - Meet @ the Barre said...

I'm such a worrier now I can't even imagine adding a kid into the mix! My sister has three kids and motherhood seems so amazing through her eyes!

Hope @ Hope in a Blog said...

So sweet. I can't wait for the day I get to be a mama! Xx.

Sarah @ The Not Quite Military Wife said...

I have an I need to be in control and worry about everything type personality. Motherhood has definitely challenged that but I'm slowly learning to let go of things.

Katie @ said...

Oh mama you are not alone at all!! Just know you are doing the best for your kiddos, you and your family. But also know that we all think and feel the same way for sure!!

Court @ Sweet Home Alabamian said...

Believe it or not, I think of you and your Irish twins whenever I think of having #2. My little one just turned one and we've talked a good bit about the timing of #2. I LOVE the idea of Irish twins but I just couldn't brave it. You are AMAZING for having Irish twins.

Zoe {The Latina Lens} said...

This is on my mind constantly. I never think I am doing a good job but my girls think the light shines from my eyes, so that makes me feel good!